In the historic halls of the Alte Münze, the first NFT Berlin Unconference took place.. Over 1,300 NFT and blockchain enthusiasts experienced an immersive exhibition featuring more than 2,500 digital artworks. Drawing inspiration from their successful FashionTech project, OBJ.Studios unique exhibition design seamlessly integrated interactive elements into the space. Utilizing the beMatrix room construction system, they crafted a three-dimensional landscape complemented by monitors and additional design elements.
Creative Direction & Exhibition Design – OBJ.Studio
BLNFT Project Lead: Torben Jacobi
NFT Curation Oliver Kohlmann
Graphics & Animation: Gregor Schmidt
BLNFT Production: Clemens Pech
Spatial Sound: Sophie Schnell / PYUR
Light Fixtures: Axel Groot & Kappazwei
Tech Provider & Tech Crew: AMBION GmbH
Project Manager: Florian Zander
Media Operator: Markus Kalwinsky
Event Producing: Raquel Fedato
Video & Edit: Rebecca Rütten